일 자
[해외저널] Understanding and Managing Intergenerational Conflict: An Examination of Influences and Strategies


Understanding and Managing Intergenerational Conflict: An Examination of Influences and Strategies


Michael J. Urick, Elaine C. Hollensbe, Suzanne S. Masterson, Sean T. Lyons

Alex G. McKenna School of Business, Economics and Government, Saint Vincent College

Department of Management, Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati

Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Guelph

Published by

Oxford University Press

Date of Publication

1 April 2017

Series/Report no.

Work, Aging and Retirement, Volume 3, Issue 2

Key words

 intergenerational conflict, tensions, contextual factors, intersection of generations


Popular press and academic research articles commonly suggest that intergenerational differences in the workplace are a potential source of conflict. However, there has been little effort to examine the nature, causes, and reactions to such conflict empirically. We address this gap through a qualitative study of 2 generationally diverse samples.

Our findings reveal tensions arising among generations (values-based, behavior-based, and identity-based) based on perceived differences and strategies used by generation members to manage them (achievement-oriented, image-oriented, and ego-oriented). In addition, we explore contextual factors (societal and work-related) that our samples mentioned as influencing their intergenerational perceptions. We present an emergent model that illustrates the dynamic interplay that occurs as perceived generational differences emerge and are addressed tactically. Our study contributes to the literature at the intersection of generations, diversity, and conflict through offering grounded propositions for future research, as well as practical implications.

주요 내용

대중적인 언론과 학술 연구 기사는 일반적으로 직장에서의 세대 간 차이가 갈등의 잠재적 원인이라고 설명한다. 그러나 이러한 갈등에 대해서 성격, 원인, 반응을 경험적으로 조사하려는 선행 연구는 거의 없었다. 본 연구는 2 세대에 걸친 다양한 샘플에 대한 a qualitative study를 통해 이것을 설명한다. 결론적으로 연구는 perceived differences and strategies used by generation에 기반한 세대갈등을 밝혔다. 더불어 표본들이 그들의 세대 인식에 대해 영향을 미친다고 언급한 사회적 맥락 요인들을 살펴본다. 본 연구는 세대 교류, 다양성, 갈등에 대한 미래 연구에 대해 실용적인 함의를 제공할 것이다.





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