일 자
[해외저널] Using Technology to Connect Generations: Some Considerations of Form and Function


Using Technology to Connect Generations: Some Considerations of Form and Function.


Dr. Mariano Sánchez is Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of Granada (Spain),

Dr. Matthew S. Kaplan is Full Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education at The Pennsylvania State University in State College (USA),

Leah Bradley is Program Coordinator at Heyman Interages Center, Jewish Council for the Aging, in Rockville, MD (USA).

Date of Publication

Published: 01-07-2015

Series/Report no.

Comunicar, 23(45), 95-104.

Key words

Ageing, technology, teaching-learning, older adults, youth, intergenerational programmes, intergenerational relationships, communication.


 Nowadays, as ageing increases in Western societies it has become more evident that multiple generations are ageing concurrently at any given time in history. Therefore, ageing must be approached as a multi-generational phenomenon, not just as a question of elders. In this context, situations that engender increased interactions between generations are garnering more attention. There is a growing emphasis on expanding the role of technology in intergenerational programmes, within the field of intergenerational studies. Consequently, this paper is focused on education and learning processes within intergenerational programmes with a strong technology component. Information from a total of 46 intergenerational programmes from 11 countries has been gathered through a survey. Level of impact, status of generational groups, and centrality of technology have been appraised for all programmes in the sample. Technology learning-teaching constitute the main area of intended impact of these programmes. However, the surveyed programmes employ as well a wide range of strategies to facilitate intergenerational communication, cooperation and relationship formation between generations involved. Interest of programmes examined does not just consist of teaching the use technology but of experimenting with technology in different forms and functions and exploring the positive potential for enhancing intergenerational relationships.

주요 내용

오늘날, 서구 사회가 고령 사회로 변화함에 따라 한 시대에 다양한 세대가 존재함이 분명해지고 있다. 따라서 노화는 노인만의 문제가 아닌 multiple-generations 현상으로 접근해야 한다. 그렇기에 최근에는 세대 간 상호작용이 증가하는 것에 대해 관심이 모이고 있다. 본 논문에서는 세대간 프로그램에 있어 expanding the role of technology에 대해 강조하며, 세대간 교육 및 학습 프로세스를 중점으로 다룬다. 46개의 세대간 프로그램에 대한 survey가 11개의 국가로부터 이뤄졌다. Level of impact, status of generational groups, and centrality of technology에 대해 기술 중심성이 평가되었다. 기술 학습 교육은 이러한 프로그램들의 intended impact를 구성한다. 그러나 조사의 대상이 된 프로그램들은 세대 간 의사 소통, 협력 및 관련 세대 간의 관계 형성을 촉진하기 위해 a wide range of strategies를 사용한다. 본 연구에서 조사 된 프로그램의 관심은 기술의 사용을 가르치는 것뿐만 아니라 다양한 형태와 기능의 기술을 실험하고 세대 간 관계를 향상시킬 수 있는 긍정적 인 잠재력을 탐구하는 것이다.


 ISSN: 1134-3478; e-ISSN: 1988-3293



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