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[해외저널] Ageism: we are our own worst enemy


Ageism: we are our own worst enemy


Sargent-Cox, K.

Published by

Cambridge University Press

Date of Publication

28 November 2016

Series/Report no.

International Psychogeriatrics, Volume 29, Issue 1

Key words

Ageism, discrimination, lifespan, changing stereotypes, societal segregation, self-perceptions of aging, multidimensional


In 1969, Butler (1969) first coined the term “ageism” to confront “prejudice by one age group toward other age groups” (pp. 243). As with other “isms,” such as racism and sexism, ageism leads to bigotry and discrimination, though it is a very distinct beast in that, for the most part, other “isms” refer to those different from ourselves: distinct, mutually exclusive, and impervious groups. Conversely, age is a fluid social construct in which we are all intimately bound as we move through the lifespan, transitioning in and out of different age-groups. Unlike other “isms,” individuals negotiate shifts from the “in-group” of youth to the “out-group” of old age. Yet we are all immersed, largely unconsciously, in this ubiquitous but too often unrecognized “ism” that needs to be named and challenged.

주요 내용

Ageism(연령주의)에 대한 인식들은 사회적 수준 뿐 만 아니라 개인 수준에서도 연령 차별을 다룰 필요성을 강조합니다. 이 문제를 다루기 위해서는 지금까지와는 다른 시각으로 이를 봐야할  필요함을 시사합니다. , 노인과 노화 과정에 대한 부정적이고 지나치게 단순화 된 표현을 지양하는 동시에 노인 성장에 대한 긍정적 인 개인적 견해, 태도 및 기대를 활성화해야 합니다.





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