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[해외저널] Age-friendliness of living environments from the older person's viewpoint: Development of the Age-Friendly Environment Assessment Tool


Age-friendliness of living environments from the older person's viewpoint: Development of the Age-Friendly Environment Assessment Tool

In:  Age and Ageing . (Age and Ageing, 27 February 2020, 49(2):193-198)


Ian W Garner, Carol A Holland

 발행기관  Oxford University Press
 Series/Report no.  Volume 49, Issue 2
 발행일  March 2020

age-friendly environments, environment assessment tool, frailty, independence, individual perspective, older people




according to the World Health Organization, the role of the environment for older adults is to maintain and facilitate independence and promote quality of life. However, measures that examine the environment in terms of its potential impact on older people are either oriented towards specific aspects of the environment, specifically designed for community-level assessment rather than individually oriented, or are unwieldy for everyday use.


this article describes the development and validation of the Age-Friendly Environment Assessment Tool (AFEAT), assessing whether individual function and frailty impact on perceptions of environmental age-friendliness. The extent to which such perceptions may have moderate impacts of frailty on outcomes such as need for care support, quality of life and loneliness is examined.



기사는 연령친화적환경평가도구 (AFEAT) 개발 검증에 대해 설명하고, 개인의 기능과 취약성이 환경 연령친화성에 대한 인식에 영향을 미치는지 평가합니다그러한 인식이 간병 지원의 필요성, 삶의 외로움과 같은 결과에 약함의 중간 정도의 영향을 미칠 수있는 정도를 조사합니다.






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