일 자
[해외저널] The future of intergenerational learning: redefining the focus? Bottery, M. (2016). Studia paedagogica, 21(2), 9-24

Bottery, M. (2016). The future of intergenerational learning: redefining the focus?. Studia paedagogica, 21(2), 9-24.


The Future of Intergenerational Learning: Redefining the Focus? 


Bottery, M. 


Studia paedagogica

 발행일 2016년

This paper argues that an examination of the literature suggests that many things go by the name of intergenerational learning. It can simply mean any form of learning formal or informal in which one generation affects the learning of another, or it can have more focused meanings, the most current perhaps being that of directing formal and informal learning towards dealing with a global demographic context of ageing societies, and therefore of the possibility of utilizing the talents of both young and old in helping each other. Yet two questions arise: are all the possible relationships within an intergenerational context utilized, and why should intergenerational learning not be used for a number of other major global and societal changes? This paper argues that the number of possible relationships involved in intergenerational learning could be expanded, and that more future-focused forms would also lead to the incorporation of other, more widely globalized issues as part of its pedagogic canvas. 


이 논문은 세대 간 학습은 형식적 학습의 형태 이외에도 다른 다양한 형태를 가질 수 있다고 말하며 세대 간 학습의 미래 지향적인 모습을 지지함.




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