일 자
Intergenerational Strategies for Sustaining Strong Communities
제목 Intergenerational Strategies for Sustaining Strong Communities
저자 Matthew KaplanMariano SanchezJaco Hoffman
발행기관 Springer International Publishing
발행일 2017년
키워드 intergenerational programs and practices,  intergenerational engagement, intergenerational relationships, intergenerational sustainability, work-family balance, lifelong learning, civic engagement, intergenerational communities 
Abstract  This chapter explores intergenerational pathways for strengthening and sustaining communities. Distinctions are made between “mono-generational,” “multi-generational” and intergenerational conceptions of community and community development. References to a mono-generational community, community setting, or community building process generally allude to local development practices focused on a single generation. A multi-generational community or site is where multiple generations reside. Community members, despite age or generational grouping, have access to community settings and opportunity for involvement in community activity. Intergenerational approaches to community development tend to begin with a process of identifying respective (multi-generational) priorities for community change and then drawing upon common interests to frame, plan and create opportunities for joint learning and action. Various examples are presented of communities that have taken an intergenerational strategic approach to promoting civic engagement and responsive community development. Some considerations with regard to intergenerational environmental design are also introduced. This includes looking at how intergenerational contact zones, i.e., the spatial focal points of intergenerational encounters, can serve as a conceptual tool for studying complex, multi-generational community settings and as a design tool for creating innovative, responsive intergenerational meeting spaces.
주요내용 지역사회를 강화하고 유지하게 만드는 환경 및 세대 간 노력에 대해 찾아봄. 한 세대가 주로 있는 mono-generational 사회와 연령통합적인 multi-generational 사회를 살펴봄.
ISBN  978-3-319-47017-7 (Print), 978-3-319-47019-1 (Online) 
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47019-1_6 
Link https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47019-1_6


다음글 [해외저널] Intergenerational Strategies for Sustaining Strong Communities. Kaplan, M., Sanchez, M., & Hoffman, J. (2017). Springer International Publishing
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