일 자
[해외저널] Cross-age friendship in 25 European countries
제목 Cross-age friendship in 25 European countries
저자 Pearl .A. Dykstra, Maria Fleischmann 
발행기관 Studi di Sociologia
발행일 2016년 6월 6일 
키워드 friendship, ageism, age segregation, active ageing, intergenerational solidarity
Abstract This paper focuses on individual and country-level circumstances shaping friendships between young and old to gain insight into conditions for intergenerational solidarity. Using European Social Survey data, findings show that relatively few people have cross-age friendships (18% of the young and 31% of the old). As predicted by the “meeting principle”, individuals who operate in settings where there are opportunities for meaningful interactions with people belonging to a different age group are more likely to have cross-age friendships. As predicted by the “disposition principle”, individuals with more favourable attitudes towards other age groups are more likely to have cross-age friendships. Neither the Active Ageing Index nor macro-level trust show significant associations with the likelihood of having cross-age friendships. Apparently, conditions that bring generations together are at the local level, underscoring the importance of decentralized initiatives aimed at increased contact and co-operation across age groups. 
주요내용 젊은세대와 노인세대가 우정을 만들 수 있는 개인적 및 국가적 환경이 무엇이 있나 살펴봄. 다른 연령세대에 긍정적인 태도를 가지고 있을수록 그리고 지역사회 환경 요인들이 연령통합을 촉진함.
Link hdl.handle.net/1765/93004


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