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[해외저널] “Move or Suffer” Is Age-Segregation the New Norm for Older Americans Living Alone?
 제목 “Move or Suffer” Is Age-Segregation the New Norm for Older Americans Living Alone?
 저자 Elena Portacolone, Jodi Halpern
 발행기관 Journal of Applied Gerontology
 발행일 2016년
 Abstract Despite ethical claims that civic societies should foster intergenerational integration, age-segregation is a widespread yet understudied phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to understand the reasons that led community-dwelling older Americans to relocate into senior housing. Qualitative data were collected through participant observation and ethnographic interviews with 47 older adults living alone in San Francisco, California. Half of study participants lived in housing for seniors, the other half in conventional housing. Data were analyzed with standard qualitative methods. Findings illuminate the dynamics that favor age-segregation. Senior housing might be cheaper, safer, and offer more socializing opportunities than conventional housing. Yet, tenants of senior housing may also experience isolation, crime, and distress. Findings suggest that rather than individual preference, cultural, political, and economic factors inform the individual decision to relocate into age-segregated settings. Findings also call for an increased awareness on the ethical implications of societies increasingly segregated by age.
 주요내용 이 연구의 목적은 미국 내 지역사회 거주 고령자들이 노인주거시설에 가는 이유를 이해하는 것임. 개인적인 취향보다는 문화적, 정치적, 경제적 이유가 노인들을 연령분절적인 거주지로 옮기는데 영향을 많이 미침.  


 Link http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0733464814538118#articleCitationDownloadContainer


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