일 자
[공지] Edson Tandoc교수 연구 특강 (9/29)

싱가폴에서 저널리즘으로 왕성한 연구활동을 하시고 계시는 난양기술대학의 Edson
Tandoc교수(https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/edson/about/)께서 5일간 이화여대
커뮤니케이션미디어학과를 공식 방문하십니다. 다음 특강이 열리니 많은 참여 부탁합니다. 본 행사는 대면으로 개최됩니다.

연구 특강: 9월 29일 (목요일) 4-5:30pm 장소: 포스코관 262호
"Lying together? Fake news as a social process."


Hello, Dr. Edson Tandoc from Nanyang Technological University in
Singapore is visiting our department for 5 days. He is an
internationally renowned scholar in journalism.

Please check out his academic blog
(https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/edson/about/). His research talk titled"
"Lying together? Fake news as a social process" will be held on
September 29, Thursday at 4 pm. Its location will be announced later.
Please feel free to join us if you're interested.

Description: Who falls for fake news? A large—and still growing—number
of studies have examined what makes some people fall for online
falsehoods. Many of these studies have focused on the role of
cognitive mechanisms, such as confirmation bias and analytic ability.
These studies were mostly done in Western contexts and focused more on
individual-level factors. But the spread of falsehoods is also, and
the ways to fight it may be, a social process. Focusing on studies we
have done in Singapore as well as observations in the Philippines, we
identify social processes and contexts that enable and sustain the
spread of online falsehoods.

Bio: Edson C. Tandoc Jr. is an Associate Professor and the Associate
Chair for Research at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and
Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, where he
is the Director of the Center for Information Integrity and the
Internet (IN-cube). He is also an Associate Editor of two academic
journals: Digital Journalism and Human Communication Research, and the
Vice Chair of the Journalism Studies Division of the International
Communication Association. He is also the author of Analyzing
Analytics: Disrupting Journalism One Click at a Time (Routledge, 2019)
and co-editor of Critical Incidents in Journalism: Pivotal Moments
Reshaping Journalism around the World (Routledge, 2020). His research
focuses on the impact of emerging technologies on news production and
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