일 자
[Analysis Seminar] Rigidity of long-term dynamics for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation within equivariance

일시 : 2023 7 11 (), 17-18

장소 : 종합과학관 A 317

연사 : 김기현 박사 (IHES(프랑스 고등과학연구소))

강연 제목 : Rigidity of long-term dynamics for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation within equivariance

초록 : We consider the long time dynamics for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation (CSS) within equivariant symmetry. Being a gauged 2D cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS), (CSS) is L2-critical and has pseudoconformal invariance and solitons. However, there are two distinguished features of (CSS), the self-duality and non-locality, which make the long time dynamics of (CSS) surprisingly rigid. For instance, (i) any finite energy spatially decaying solutions to (CSS) decompose into at most one (!) modulated soliton and a radiation. Moreover, (ii) in the high equivariance case (i.e., the equivariance index  1), any smooth finite-time blow-up solutions even have a universal blow-up speed, namely, the pseudoconformal one. We explore this rigid dynamics using modulation analysis, combined with the self-duality and non-locality of the problem.

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이전글 2023힉년도 1학기 학부생 연구인턴 프로그램(UREP) 참여학생 추가모집