EVENT 게시판 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
144 [2023.02.07] EIMS Workshop on Geometric Approaches to Linear Spaces and Graphs  ims 2023-01-18 1094
143 [2023.02.09-11] 2023 Ewha International Workshop on Algebraic Number Theory  ims 2023-01-12 1042
142 [2023.01.03] Yonsei Ewha Sogang Seminar on Analysis and PDEs  ims 2022-12-13 996
141 2022 EIMS Conference on Applied Statistics  ims 2022-11-21 988
140 [2022.10.07]2022 리더스 포럼 (한국여성수리과학회 공동주최)  ims 2022-11-21 719
139 The 8th KOREA-SINO International Conference on Coding Theory and Related Topics  ims 2022-11-21 919
138 [2021.08.25~27] 2021 EIMS International Conference on Computational Mathematics  ims 2021-07-15 1435
137 [2021.06.23~25] 2021 EWHA-KMS International Workshop on Cryptography  ims 2021-06-04 1454
136 [2020.10.16] 2020년 10월 작용소론 온라인 학회  ims 2020-10-20 1618
135 [2020.1.4.] 2020 One day Meeting on Extremal Combinatorics  ims 2020-02-13 1168
134 [2019.12.13.] 2019SWAG7  ims 2019-12-18 1305
133 [2019.9.20.] 중점연구소지원사업 10주년 기념 워크샵   ims 2019-10-07 1398
132 [2019.01.30] EWHA 일일학회 (작용소이론)  ims 2019-02-19 1407
131 [2019.01.05] One day Meeting on Extremal Combinatorics 2019  ims 2019-02-18 1596
130 [2018.12.27] 2018 EWHA IMS WORKSHOP  ims 2019-02-18 1489