일 자
[2월 16일- 17일] 2세부 집중강연

“Spherical t-designs”

· Date:  Feb  16(THU)-17(FRI)   14:00-17:00, 2012
· Place:   ECC B224, EWHA
· Speaker:  Ph.D.  SHO SUDA (Tohoku University)
· Organized by: Jong Yoon  Hyun
                          Ewha  Institute of Mathematical Sciences
· Sponsored by: Priority Research Centers Program Through the NRF.

· Abstract: 
The concept of spherical designs was introduced by Delsarte, Goethals and Seidel in 1977  as a generalization of finite incomplete block designs.
Roughly speaking, a spherical design of strength t is a finite subset of points in the real unit sphere such that any polynomial of degree t has the same average value on those points as it does on the entire sphere.
I will give the basic theory on spherical design and discuss a similarity to block designs and orthogonal arrays.
Reference:[1] P. Delsarte, J. M. Goethals, J. J. Seidel, Spherical codes and designs,  Geom. Dedicata 6 (1977), 363388.
[2]E. Bannai and E. Bannai, A survey on spherical designs and algebraic combinatorics on spheres. European J. Combin. 30 (2009), no. 6, 13921425

다음글 [2월 23일-24일] 수리과학연구소 연구발표회
이전글 [12월21일] 2세부 집중강연