일 자
[2024.07.01] Lattice based Public Key Encryption

■ 연사: 박정은 교수 (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

■ 일시 및 강연제목: 

2024년 7월 1일(월)  15:00-17:00 Lattice based Public Key Encryption 

2024년 7월 2일(화)  15:00-17:00 Lattice based Digital Signature

2024년 7월 11일(목) 15:00-17:00 Homomorphic Encryption 1

2024년 7월 12일(금) 15:00-17:00 Homomorphic Encryption 2

■ 초록: Since Grover and Shore’s algorithms were shown to break some essential mathematical hard problems which are the base of the classical cryptosystems via quantum computers, the world has been looking for alternatives to build secure cryptosystem against quantum computers.Lattice based cryptosystems are believed to be quantum-resistant, therefore numerous researches have been going on, in the end, it turned out that lattices provide simple and nice structures to build public key cryptosystems and digital signatures efficiently. On 7/1, we study how to struct public key encryption (PKE) based on lattices, especially NIST’s quantum resistant PKE finalist “CRYSTALS-Kyber”. On 7/2, we study lattice based digital signature based on lattices, especially, “CRYSTALS-Dilithium”, one of NIST’s quantum resistant digital signature finalist.

■ 장소: 종합과학관 D109호

■ 문의: (02)3277-6990/ims@ewha.ac.kr

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