일 자
[2024.04.01] Rational curves in Fano varieties (수학과 공동주최)

■ 연사: 정기룡 교수 (경북대학교)

■ 제목: Rational curves in Fano varieties

■ 초록: A curve that can be parameterized by rational functions is called a rational curve. This presentation begins with examples of rational curves that frequently appear in calculus. Specifically, it provides examples related to epicycloids/hypocycloids, constructible numbers, and paper folding numbers. Then, it explains a problem of counting rational curves that satisfy specific conditions and provides a method to find them, within the range of quadratic curves. Finally, it discusses the properties of the Fano varieties (projective plane and Grassmannian), which is the most natural space to contain rational curves. 

■ 일시: 2024년 4월 1일(월) 17:00~18:00

■ 장소: 종합과학관 A317호

■ 문의: (02)3277-6990/ims@ewha.ac.kr

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