일 자
[2023.08.01] Mathematical modeling unravels swimming mechanisms of bacteria (수학과 공동주최)

■ 연사: 임숙경 교수 (University of Cincinnati (UC)) 

■ 제목: Mathematical modeling unravels swimming mechanisms of bacteria

■ 일시: 2023년 8월 1일(화) 16:00

■ 장소: 종합과학관 A동 317호

■ 초록: Swimming bacteria with helical flagella are self-propelled micro-swimmers in nature, and the swimming strategies of such bacteria vary depending on the number and the position of flagella on the cell body. In this talk, I will introduce three different species of microorganisms; monotrichous, lophotrichous, and peritrichous bacteria. The Kirchhoff rod theory is used to model the elastic helical flagella and the neutrally buoyant rigid body dynamics theory is developed to describe the motion of the rod-shaped cell body that can translate and rotate. The hydrodynamic interaction between the fluid and the bacteria is described by the regularized version of Stokes flow. I will focus on how bacteria can swim and reorient swimming course for survival and how Mathematics can help to understand the swimming mechanism of such bacteria. 

■ 문의: (02)3277-6990/ims@ewha.ac.kr

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