일 자
★Updated on 20.03.05★ 2020-1 English Language Course Registration (Leave of absence, transfer, re-entrance, change of major, int'l)

[Global Language Education Office] 2020-1 English Language Course Registration (Freshmen, Leave of absence, transfer, re-entrance, change of major, international students)


As of 2020, we no longer accept Naver-Form or registration form (paper registration) submitted before the start of the semester. Those who are eligible for staff assistance for enrollment (return / transfer / exchange of major students), please follow the instructions below, numbered 3.


For freshmen and all international students, please register for designated classes by using on-line registration system.



1. Freshmen (Including international students) in 2020 must register only for the courses designated for your own major/college.

The class registration for freshmen: 2020.02.19.(Wed) 09:00 ~ 02.20.(Thur) 17:00

If you want to check English requirement course(s) in each college, please refer to [Attachment 1. Required English Courses].


2. International students: During the registration period, you can simply sign up for the classes that you wish to take. The Course numbers for international students are as follows.


[Essential English]: 10901-01 (Students with "Basic English level" among those who were Freshmen in the fall of 2019)

[College English]: 10098-82~84

[Advanced English]: 10099-09~11


3. Course Registration for Leave of absence, transfer, re-entrance, change of major, international students


1) Students returning for Spring 2020 after being absent during the semester designated for English requirement course(s).

2) Students who have changed from majors where [Advanced English] is optional to majors where it is required.

3) Transfer students whose English course credits from their previous school were not approved for conversion.

4) Students who have re-entered the university


GLEO does not assist enrollment of students who are not applied to any of above.


Registration period: Feb. 12(Wed) 13:00 ~ 13(Thur) 23:59 03.16.(Mon)09:00 ~ 03.20(Fri) 15:00

How to register:

1) All students must register only during the designated period specified above. To ensure your enrollment, please sign up for the classes designated for your major/college that still remain avaliable.

As of 2020, Ewha is newly introducing two additional systems of registration (waitlist system and delayed cancellation system), which enable students to register online for classes which may have cancellations after reaching maximum capacity. For detail, please click on the following link)

We cannot assist students' last-minute drop-in request for enrollment while there are still remaining spaces within the designated classes.


2) For all registrations beyond the official periods, please complete the Application form [attachment 2] and submit to the GLEO e-mail(epo@ewha.ac.kr) by 03.18(Wed), 16:00. 



Thank you.


Global Language English Office





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