일 자
신설 핵심교양교과목 안내
2015-1학기 교양영어실에서 신설되는 핵심교양교과목에 대해 알려드립니다. 핵심교양교과목은 교양영어 심화과목과 마찬가지로 대학영어, 고급영어만 선수과목으로 지정되어 있습니다. 아래와 같은 교과목기술을 참고하시고 많은 수강 참여 바랍니다.

11162-01 Middle Eastern Political Theology: Religious Sources - The course will offer articles on Islamism that look at its religious justifications for such things as jihad, abrogation, taqiyya, sex slavery, the caliphate, jizya, hudud, human rights, and more. Classes will be discussion based.

11165-01 Topics in Multiethnic American Literature - Through close readings and critical analysis of the literature that are significantly informed by the writers’ marginalized racial, ethnic, gender/sexual identities, and personal experiences and struggles, students will be able to enrich and broaden their understanding of “American” literature.

11164-01Contemporary Photography - Contemporary Photography will provide essential elements involved in the continuing development of photography as an art and source of communication. The course will be organized around specific photographers and artists who have expanded the philosophical and theoretical potential of photography including modernists, conceptualists, postmodernists and beyond. Key areas explored will include concepts of realism, expressionism, abstractionism, theatricality, absorption, and embodiment.

다음글 교양영어 선수과목 축소
이전글 2015-1 휴학, 편입, 재입학, 전과, 외국인, 교양영어 수강안내