일 자
Rhetoric and Composition 교과목 홍보

You took one of my classes before, and I wanted to inform you about another class that I teach and that is good for students in many ways; this class is "Rhetoric and Composition" (11051).

Briefly, this class is good for students who want to learn how to:
- write argumentative essays that are more convincing (this could also be used to write more effective introduction letters - when applying for a job, etc.)
- identify the weaknesses and strengths in an argumentative essay
- develop a more critical mind (especially in a persuasive context)
- gain confidence in your writing skill

Now, although the word "rhetoric" may scare some students, you should know that this class is an introduction to rhetoric. Thus, this class is intended for students who have little or no knowledge of rhetoric; in other words, this class is not as hard as it may sound from its name. Furthermore, the workload is average (the workload is similar to College or Advanced English, and it's much less than Research Writing).

Learn the art of fencing with words,
and use language to move people!

Take the Rhetoric and Composition class!

Enjoy the rest of the vacation,

Pr. Jean Paquette
다음글 전문영어 졸업논문계획서 제출 안내
이전글 2018-1 교양영어 수강신청안내 (휴학, 편입, 재입학, 전과, 외국인 등)