Article No.
Growth Strategies in Foreign-Invested Enterprises through Stabilizing Industrial Relations

Growth Strategies in Foreign-Invested Enterprises through Stabilizing Industrial Relations: 
A Case Study on Oriental Brewery

Changmin Lee** · Hyoung-Goo Kang***

and Young-Sang Yi****


This paper suggests ways to develop healthy industrial rela-tions at foreign-invested enterprises after M&A by studying Oriental Brewery Co., Ltd (“OBC”) case. OBC has the uni-que feature of being a foreign private-equity-fund (KKR-Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) invested company with dual unions. It is the only consumer product company in Korea that has regained the number one position in 2011 after 15 years of a continuous drop from the once dominant posit-ion with up to 70% of market share in the early 1990s. We have identified the contributing factors of such success from the perspective of union-management relationship before and after the M&A.

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