Article No.
A Multiplicity of Regionalisms in Southeast Asia

A Multiplicity of Regionalisms in Southeast Asia

Charmaine Misalucha


Regional arrangements in Southeast Asia (SEA) beg the question of why this “alphabet soup” exists. This can be addressed by looking at a wider context: these regionalisms are not merely SEA states’ responses to international events, nor are they solely projections of independence/self-asser-tion. Instead, SEA’s ventures demonstrate Constructivist logic: Southeast Asian states shape and are themselves sha-ped by the historical and geographical circumstances in which they find themselves. Beginning with the assump-tion that international relations are fluid and mutually con-stitutive, SEA regionalisms can be explained by complex engagement, as seen in the evolution of ASEAN and the dynamics of the APT and the EAS. In short, this paper argues that the multiplicity of regionalisms in Southeast Asia is a reflection of Constructivism at work.

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