Article No.
China Joins the Game: Beijing's Foreign-Economic Policy Strategies in the Globalization Era

International Studies Reivew Vol. 13 No.2 December 2012



Post-Maoist China has experienced a major reorientation of
both economic and foreign policy. Foreign policy has been
largely determined by the needs of China’s economic reforms,
and is intimately linked to the political economy and concomitant
efforts to use globalization as a tool to attain high
growth, trade, and investment. Economics determines China’s
foreign policy, along with its approach to the world. China
has made major efforts to join international organizations
and economic and political forums, and employs its new resources
to remold its military forces. In this article, we examine
patterns of Chinese foreign policy, the state’s responses to
globalization, and the potential future directions for China’s
emerging political economy.

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