Article No.
New Security Issues in a Globalized World


In the first paper, the Canadian Foreign Minister, the Honorable Lloyd Axworthy, outlines a proposal to expand the focus of the foreign policy activity of governments beyond the traditional emphasis on a "hard" security agenda to tackle issues of immediate concern to individuals. He highlights, in particular, the campaign to ban anti-personnel miners; efforts to combat international drug smuggling; and the continuing struggle against human rights abuses. In each of these representative areas, the interests of individuals on the streets of North American cities and in former combat zones in Asia and Africa are foremost concern. Canada will continue to invite other countries to join in this new approach to the human security challenges of our changing times.

In the Second article, Mr. Axworthy expands on the campaign to ban anti-personnel land mines, a campaign which has come to be called the Ottawa Process. Mr. Axworthy believes this process and its success demonstrates the ability of the international community do cope with changes and trends which have emerged since the fall of the Berlin Wall trends which are different breed of challenge than those to which we had become accustomed for so many years after the Second World War. He calls for a renewed focus on humanitarian standards; new forms of partnership at the international lever; the maximum use of "soft power." or the non-military tools of diplomacy; and a focus on the security of the individual in an unpredictable and often hostile international environment.

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