Article No.
[Trust] Meausring People’s Trust
 Ermisch, John, Diego Gambetta, Heather Laurie, Thomas Siedler and S.C.Noah Uhrig. 2009. Meausring Peoples Trust. Journal of Royal Statistical Society A 172, part4: 749-569.


We measure trust and trustworthiness in British society with a newly designed experiment
using real monetary rewards and a sample of the British population. The study also asks
the typical survey question that aims to measure trust, showing that it does not predict ‘trust’
as measured in the experiment. Overall, about 40% of people were willing to trust a stranger in
our experiment, and their trust was rewarded half of the time. Analysis of variation in the trust
behaviour in our survey suggests that trusting is more likely if people are older, their financial
situation is either ‘comfortable’ or ‘difficult’ compared with ‘doing alright’ or ‘just getting by’, they
are a homeowner or they are divorced, separated or never married compared with those who
are married or cohabiting.Trustworthiness also is more likely among subjects who are divorced
or separated relative to those who are married or cohabiting, and less likely among subjects
who perceive their financial situation
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