Article No.
[Trust] Trusting and trustworthiness: What are they, how to measure them, and what affects them

Ben-Ner,Avner and Freyr Halldorsson. 2010. Trusting and trustworthiness: What are they, how to measure them, and what affects them. Journal of Economic Psychology 31:64-79.


a b s t r a c t
The study examines trust by investigating potential determinants (factors determined at birth and childhood) and correlates (various views and attitudes) of trusting and trustworthiness. We examine behavioral and survey measures and conclude that the amount sent
in the trust game is a good, albeit partial and overreaching, measure of one facet of trust. Common survey measures of trusting capture well other facets of trusting. The proportion sent back in the trust game represents well trustworthiness in the specific context in which it was developed, an investment situation, but falls short in capturing other facets of trustworthiness. The Machiavellian scale appears to be a weak measure of any facets of trustworthiness. Gender is the primary determinant of investment-related facet of trusting, and personality is a strong determinant of other facets. One personality trait – agreeableness– explains investment-related trustworthiness.

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